Heath & Fitness Breaks
4 day Intensity fitness & weight loss plan: 32,000 Ksh per person minimum 4 persons.
7 day Intensity fitness & weight loss plan: 56,000 Ksh per person minimum 4 persons.
Price is all inclusive of all meals and non alcoholic drinks, nutritionists consultations, personal trainer consultations and full intensity fitness program.
Price does not include accommodation, staff tips, personal expences and transport.
Weight loss plan 1
One month. Initial consultation, weekly follow up and email advice and support as and when needed.
5,000 Ksh
If you have tried to lose weight before and feel you have 10 kilos or more to lose then please consider a one month course. This is highly recommended as your weight loss will not happen quickly and you will need support for you to continue until your goals are reached.
What will I get?
I will examine your food diary and give you a report on the nutritional content. All aspects of your normal food intake needs to be assessed, including such details as the time of day you have your main meal, how many snacks you take and at what time of day you take them. We need to look at the times of day you feel more need for food, especially sugar based foods i.e. when you arrive home from work, when your children come home from school, when you are preparing your evening meal etc. From this analysis we will design a meal plan for your individual needs, to fit in with your lifestyle and family commitments.
I will welcome your emails and updates on how you are doing. If you want to chat personally we will arrange a Skype chat. We will ensure you have guidance and support for the whole of the month with weekly weigh ins and progress reports. It is important to keep in touch so that you know your nutritionist is there to guide and support you at all times. Any part of the plan can be adapted and changes made if you have any problems maintaining or managing the regime.
Weight Loss Plan 2
If you want to give our plan a try and pay per session the first introductory consultation is free.
Second consultation, online health assessment and completion of questionaire. 2,000/-
Subsequent consultation 500/-
I will ask you to complete a simple progress report at the end of each week. It is important to remember that healthy, permanent weight loss is not rapid. My aim is to help you lose weight permanently and not have to think diets again. I will advise small changes to your food intake and to your lifestyle that will eliminate the need for dieting and will help you to become a fitter, more active, more invigorated person than before, enjoying life to the full.